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It was once a two-year-old boy named Edward. He lived in Stockholm and was a happy, lively boy who made up lots of mischief during the day. But on a cold gray autumn day early in December 2021, in the middle of the current corona pandemic, it was not possible to recognize Edward. He was lethargic and very very heavy in his breathing. His parents took him to the emergency room where, after a very short time, he was placed in an ambulance to the emergency room at Astrid Lindgren's children's hospital.

After the ambulance ride and the checks in the emergency room, we finally landed in a treatment room for monitoring and further checks. With an exhausted Edward in his arms, fully connected with tubes, there was not much to do. The walls were bare and the sounds of crying children from outside touched stronger than ever. It was here and now that it started, Edward needed to calm down after his experience and we did it with the help of made-up fairy tales in magical worlds where anything could happen. We created our own sagoro and the idea of the world's best online shop for children's posters was born. The bare walls should be decorated with funny posters that inspire children,  create recognition and make us parents take the children out on fairy tales in the magical worlds where Everything is possible.

The children are warriors who can do much more than we think, true heroes who can create their own world. In that world we find our inspiration to create the world's best posters for you who decorate your hero's room. Children are our future and we must inspire them on the journey they walk. We want to create "sagoro" and challenge the imagination from birth to the goal break. Fast, simple and stylish for you who order.

So how did Edward do? After blood tests, EKG and other tests, they were able to establish that it was a cold asthma. Cold asthma is relatively common among younger children and approximately one in five children aged 1-5 years is affected. In later life, approximately one in ten is affected. All the tests done on Edward were to rule out other, more complicated, illnesses. We had to stay overnight for a check-up and further x-rays. The following evening we had to go to the safe corner of the home.  Together with his lion, he today breathes through his inhaler when needed.

As a parent with experience in care and a son with similar problems, the experience of the ambulance ride and reception by the full emergency team at Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital was manageable, for a 2-year-old Edward, however, it was not as welcoming. Despite that, we want to give a big compliment to the team we met, the care we received and have received during the journey. Everyone in Swedish healthcare is a hero.

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